
Ability Therapy Specialists Pty Ltd provides counselling and behaviour support via telehealth and telepractice consultation and therapy within Australia. We are also based in Armidale NSW.

Ability Academe Australia is our educational and training project founded during 2020 to offer courses and other programs for capability nurturing and skill development. This project is in the pilot phase and ‘under construction.’

Our practice is based on referrals. We appreciate your support in referring those people who might benefit by our help. We may have open spaces to see new clients depending on the circumstances. We generally return emails promptly. Please go to our Contact page for more information regarding our availability or other questions.

Our clients come from all ages, walks of life, and people see us from across Australia. We consult with individuals, families, and organizations. We are childhood specialist educators and therapists, and we work across the lifespan including with adults with complex disabilities, and with elders and seniors. We consult also with disability organisations, charity sector NGOs, churches, community groups, associations, and communities.

Our ethics support and uphold human rights and equality of diversity across the many categories of identity, place, and culture. We are a non-sectarian and secular agency that operates as a social enterprise. We uphold the NDIS Code of Ethics and the Australian Counselling Association Code of Ethical Conduct.

Our values are based in the person centred therapeutic and educational and cultural traditions. We are inspired by Person Centred Rogerian Psychotherapy and we practice a wide range of specialist solution-focused methods to assist people in everyday ways toward solving issues and problems and moving on with greater capacity. Our therapy is based on evidence research and longstanding culturally infused methods. Our work is practical, creative and tailored to each person and context.

Our culture is uniquely Australian and thrives within a multicultural and diverse social landscape. We support a “culturally infused” approach to therapy that honours and respects each client’s culture, values, and spirituality. Our practitioners come from various traditions and you may find that each practitioner may celebrate Buddhist, Christian, Indigenous, Aboriginal, and First Nation cultural wisdom. We practice within the modern sciences as the foundation and method of inquiry that grounds and guides our work.

We do not see science and spirituality, as well as science and religion, as contradictory when the traditions and methods are understood and appreciated from within postmodern transpersonal, holistic, and integrative approaches. Contemporary secular paradigms practice an active reframing and synergy in dialogue with traditions. This work is accomplished by upholding the light of scientific evidence that speaks to a new and emerging evolutionary and developmental cosmology. We explore these paradigms in various published works, and this integral method has come to characterise our era in many ways.

We often hear from clients across a wide range of backgrounds that the culture of our work is quite unique and provides stronger and more comprehensive methods and interventions. Clients see this work as more holistic with more relevant perspectives that are use speak with respect and affirmation toward people’s reality in a more direct and personal way. Clients experience our emphasis on lifestyle health, culture, and the ways that people make meaning in everyday life as quite relevant and timely.

Our services include Counselling, Psychotherapy, Life Coaching, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Creative Arts Therapy, Adult and Community Education, Early Childhood Education, Mental Health Support…

We are an NDIS Registered Provider. We offer Ability-focused Behaviour Support, Counselling therapies, and a range of Clinical Assessment.

If there is something we can help with please go to our Contact page. All the best for you and your family.

Our Founding Vision arose during 2016, and is based on the experience of oneness within the ecology of creation.

This vision looks to how all beings and indeed all things are in one relationship. We are kin. We are one, though we are many.

Today’s therapeutic sciences echo the traditional cultural sciences.

From the original teachings flow the many pathways of spirituality and culture around the world.

From these traditions arises the Person-Centred, Strength-Based, and Psycho-educational methods that form the foundations for excellence in therapeutic support.

Dr Joseph Randolph Bowers
Worlds in Balance, Acrylic on Canvas, by Dr Bowers

Ability Therapy Specialists Pty Ltd and Ability Academy Australia

NDIS Provider Number 4050056296

ABN 18 627 202 297, ACN 627 202 297


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