Ability Awakens Podcast S1 E10 Relaxation and Sleep Induction

Welcome to our last episode in season one. We’ve mapped the season to ten episodes released fortnightly. We hope you enjoy this new audio adventure.…

Ability Awakens Podcast S1 E7.2 Ten Western Meditation Methods, An Introduction

Welcome to our 7.2 episode in season one. We’ve mapped the season to ten episodes released fortnightly. We hope you enjoy this new audio adventure.…

Cholesterol, Disability, NDIS Behaviour Support and Counselling Clinical Reviews

While the NDIS does not pay for mainstream health and medical reviews, from our holistic perspective as senior specialists in behaviour support and counselling therapies,…

Autism and Telehealth Behaviour Support and Counselling

Impressive Positive Outcomes with Telehealth Recent studies are showing that Autism and Telehealth make useful partners. Chen et al (2022) systematically reviewed 112 studies from…

Trimming the Bits – Pottery Meditation

A meditation on life’s changes and human development with Dr Joseph R Bowers. I am a counsellor psychotherapist to learn more visit our website http://www.abilitytherapyspecialists.com.au…

Clay, Art Therapy, NDIS, and Covid Isolation

Clay and culture go hand in hand, literally and in every other way. Clay sculptures date back over 10,000 years. In relative terms, even the…

I Can’t… but you can…

I can’t, she said. Her Elder touches her face and says, the root word there, my dear, is ‘can’ followed by the contrary ‘not’… Can…

Refuge as Therapy, Therapy as Refuge

Welcome. Each moment is precious. Welcome to your moment. Be here now, with the fullness of your heart. Take this moment to breathe… breathe in……

Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness

Hypnotherapy and mindfulness go hand-in-hand. This approach provides skills and awareness that anyone can benefit from, which are part of universal human functions of the…

Do You Believe Counselling Will Help?

An American study showed that 39% of respondents thought that counselling was too expensive, while 35% said their problem was not serious enough to seek…

Key Factors in Sexual Identity and Behaviour: Taking An Integrative Middle Path

After reviewing new studies of 2016 I confirm three factors linked to sexual behavior and orientation. Genetic. Neurobiological developmental. Environmental social. Not much has changed…

On the Threshold: Personal Transformation and Spiritual Awakening ~ A Primer on the Spiritual Life with Activities, by Joseph Randolph Bowers PhD

On the Threshold: Personal Transformation and Spiritual Awakening ~ A Primer on the Spiritual Life with Activities ISBN: 978-0-9874387-1-3 (ebook) Earth Rattle Publishing, (c) 2013…