Long Covid Lifestyle Health Reviews and NDIS

In our role as specialists in assessments, behaviour support, and counselling therapies, we have had clients come forward with “Long Covid” (LC) symptoms that has inspired us to develop a clinical review to help people with the range of symptoms and issues that LC sustains.

Photo by Sebastiaan Stam

Research and clinical practice shows that about twenty common symptoms attach to LC that have detrimental impacts on lifestyle health. These range across categories in energy and fatigue, respiratory and hearth health, neurological symptoms, digestive symptoms, and other areas including pain, muscle issues, and reproductive system issues.

In LC treatment, the number of symptoms does not equate to diagnosis per se. If a person has had Covid-19, and they have any symptom including just one, they are generally said to have LC and would require some level of support.

Photo by Movoyagee

Our approach to helping is based in Lifestyle Medicine, where we seek to understand the underlying health and inflammatory processes that guide a holistic method in dealing with LC. People who talk to us about these issues want to have a general review of their lifestyle health, i.e. to talk about managing their stress, anxiety, depression, social pressures, work life, home life, exercise, activity, fun, entertainment, and of course their diet and nutrition.

While we always recommend referral to a nutritionist, in our role we can talk about how to actually apply what a dietitian or nutritionist recommends. We have found that the vast majority of people we work with do not follow through on advice from nutritionist suggestions. The reason often simply come down to the fact that the specialist does not take time to build rapport, and to build trust and confidence. They do not take the time to ask what is the next micro-step for the person? What can they actually do and apply now? And then, how can we help them to work on this plan over several months if not over a couple of years?

We work closely with people over extended periods to see them apply and take control and to make informed choices for their own health and wellness.

Photo by Jon Meza

If Long Covid is getting you down, consider taking time out to make a lifestyle health review for yourself. There are many ways to do this, and to be honest, to do the research for holistic health you do not have to consult with specialists per se. Your GP is obviously the first port of call. To take things further, do research online searching on terms like Long Covid and add words like symptoms, recovery, how to manage, what to do, and consider phrases like Long Covid plus vitamins, minerals, home remedies, fresh veg, fruit, diet, nutrition, etc…

We provide Long Covid supportive discussions with our NDIS participants and their parents and carers who are impacted by these issues, and we find this investment helps participants a lot to address disability related issues that overlap with exercising choice and control in lifestyle and wellness.

Featured image Photo by Charlotte May

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